*136+ Self Improvement, Business, Sales, Finance Books🤯
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136+ Self Improvement, Business, Sales, Finance Books🤯
Language = English❤️🔥
High Rated And Most Expensive Books Collection😳😳
Recommended By Iman Gadzhi🫡🫡
*Book's List of Iman Gadzhi*
*0 to 10k/month:*
1. The Alchemist
2. Think and Grow Rich
3. Atomic Habits
4. Money Master The Game
*10k to 100k/month:*
1. The 4 Hour Work Week
2. Influence
3. Confessions of an Advertising Man
4. The Lean Startup
5. Never Split The Difference
6. How to Win Friends and Influence People
7. The 48 Laws of Power
8. The Personal MBA by Josh Kaufman
*100k to 1M/month:*
1. The Intelligent Investor
2. Reality Transurfing
3. Misbehaving
*1M to 10M/month:*
1. The Creatore of Jekyll Island
2. The House of Morgan
3. Devil Take The Hindmost
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